How long are the players in town?
The Valley League Baseball season runs primarily in June & July. Occasionally a player may not
stay the entire season for a variety of reasons. If you would like to host but are unable to host the
entire season, you may consider being a temporary host.
What are the responsibilities & requirements?
Host families must be able to provide a private room/space and access to a bathroom and
laundry (which may need to be done later at night after a game). We also ask that you have
the ability to accommodate players arriving late after away games. We also suggest that you
review house rules/expectations when the player arrives. Some examples may include: no loud
music after 9 pm, no smoking, no swearing in front of young children, etc. Please do not expect
the player to do household chores beyond cleaning their personal space. Please do not ask your
player to babysit.
Do we provide food for players?
We ask that you provide at least one meal per day. Lunch is typically provided by the team, but
we suggest you communicate with the player about meal schedules. Access to utilize the
kitchen may also be necessary.
Will players have a vehicle?
Most players have a vehicle. Every season there are a few players that do not, but they typically
carpool with other players. Transportation is not the responsibility of the host family.
What if we have a summer vacation planned?
It is ideal for a player to reside in one home during their season; however, we understand that
you may not be comfortable with a player staying by himself while you are out of town. In this
situation, we can try to find temporary housing.
Is it possible to request a certain player/position?
You most certainly can! Although it is not guaranteed, you may submit a request with your
application. We consider many factors when placing players (pet allergies, transportation
needs, etc..). Player housing is a huge puzzle!
Will our player help my child with their baseball skills?
While most players will interact with their host families and love playing baseball, it is not
guaranteed. Please keep in mind that Cannons players are extremely busy. They play 6 days a
week and need their downtime and rest.
What happens if there is an issue between a player and host?
We don’t typically have issues with placements. Cannons players appreciate host families’
hospitality and generally behave as guests in your home. If you are experiencing any issues, big
or small, please contact the housing coordinator who will work to resolve the issue. If the
problem is major, or persists, the player will immediately be removed. Please set house rules and
expectations. For example: no loud music after 9pm, no smoking, take out personal trash, etc.
Please don’t expect the player to do household chores beyond cleaning their space. Please
refrain from asking your player to watch your children.